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      Are you an artist/designer/maker who would like to see your work in our collection? 

      Yay! We're excited to learn more about you and the things you make. 

      The very best way to submit your work for consideration to our shop is to mail us a real life copy of your catalog (even if it's just printed pages of your website) and anything else you'd like us to know about you. We appreciate samples, too, especially if it helps us understand your work better! We are kind of old school like this and also we're a post office, so you know, it's a whole thing. We open our mail every day and we give priority to peeps who write to us. XOXO

      Our address:
      Kindred Post
      145 South Franklin
      Juneau, Alaska 99801

      We do our very best to reply to everyone who submits via snail mail.

      We also encourage you to follow us on Instagram @kindred_post so that you get to know us better. We post quite a bit on there, so you can take a digital look around our collection and can better gauge whether we would be the right fit for your goods!

      If you want to submit digitally, please submit form below. We will only consider digitally submissions via this form.

      Thanks for thinking of us!