Artist of the Week: Jerrod Galanin

Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!
This week we are featuring Sitka-based artist Jerrod Galanin! Jerrod shares his Tlingit culture through a variety of mediums, including exquisite hand-carved metal jewelry that help ensure cultural stories stay with us for generations.
Who are you?
I am Jerrod Galanin. My Tlingit name is Lkheinaa . I am L'uknax.ádi (coho)
And I am Kaagwaantaan yádi.
What do you do?
I am a multidisciplinary artist. I make hand engraved Tlingit jewelry. I also work in wood, fur, paint, photography, horn and more.
Who/what inspires you?
My biggest inspirations are my family, I come from a long line of Tlingit artists. I have a beautiful wife who is very supportive of my culture and art, and two amazing daughters that inspire me to be my best self.
What’s your favorite moment in the process?
My favorite moment in creating art are the moments when a new concept or idea flashes in mind. There is a wave of excitement as you rush to see it come to fruition!
What’s a trick of your trade, or a piece of advice for other artists in your medium?
Before I give advice, I want to stress that I am nowhere close to being a master and I try hard to push myself and to better my understanding of this art form and my culture all the time. Here is some advice to newer artists that I think about all the time: try to avoid shortcuts. In the end, your shortcuts will hinder your growth and potential and you’re the one who gets the short end of the stick!
What’s next?
Next, I am excited to start moving into new mediums and mediums that I don’t work in as much. I recently designed my first button dance robe which was a great pleasure and learning experience. I also plan on creating works for the SHI 2020 juried art shown in three categories; goat horn spoon, wood, and metal.
1 comment
Jarrod, I have been following you for awhile now. I’m so happy that Kindred Post has found you. I hope you come to Juneau during our holiday season or sell your wares in our town. I can’t wait to hear more from you!