Artist of the Week: Molly Bosley of Found & Feral

Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!
This week we are featuring Molly Bosley of Found & Feral. Molly's geometric brass jewelry brings joy to all who see or wear it. The symmetry in her work can sometimes take you right inside of a kaleidoscope with shapes mirroring one another so perfectly. Molly is newly a mama and we look forward to seeing what inspiration comes from this journey. Read about her process below!
Who are you?
My name is Molly Bosley. I live in Winooski, VT which is a “big” little city and I hope in the near future to find a big farm where I will have space to roam and make and think. I recently became a mom which has been so wonderful and also a big adjustment in figuring out how to run a business from my home and take care of my baby at the same time.
What do you do?
I make jewelry from my home studio. My jewelry is made using globally sourced materials like raw brass, acetate, vinyl disc beads, vintage sequins, agate and quartz stones. I would describe the aesthetic as modern, geometric and big minimalist.
Who/what inspires you?
I have been an artist and maker since I was young and have tried lots of different mediums over the years. Along with making jewelry, I have been known to illustrate, cut paper, sew, embroider, collage and create sculptures from old books, everyday objects and paper. I am inspired by shapes from nature, shadows, old architecture, textiles and pattern in everyday objects. I love to be inspired by other artists and find energy from what other people are making.
What is your favorite moment in the process?
As an artist I approach making jewelry in a similar way to creating anything where I look at the whole composition and how the negative and positive space react with one another. Jewelry is not just an object to adorn ourselves but I think of it as a piece of the composition of our overall style and ourselves as the canvas. I use my instinct to place shapes together and love when I find that perfect balance that clicks.
What is a trick of your trade or a piece of advice for artists in your medium?
Try the unexpected. Don’t make something you wouldn’t wear yourself. Even if it’s not a huge hit, keep trying new things because someone will like it. Keep reading and learning how to be better at what you love.
What is next?
I find it hard to squeeze in time for new designs but I would love to focus on experimenting with new styles. I am currently trying out some designs for bracelets and more beaded pieces.