Artist Spotlight - Hero Hart
Who are you? What do you do? (Artist Bio)
I am a native Siberian Yupik artist that uses any medium that will have me. My roots are in drawing, illustration, painting but have recently expanded to the fiber arts. Crochet has completely taken over my creative world – not to discount an awesome doodle here and there. I’ve always loved illustration, writing and the physical arts challenged with the creative task of creating something with a personality or reason.
Who/what inspires you?
My friends and family continue to amaze me every day. To watch people create and bloom with their own creative voice regardless of standardized rules of natural colors or framing. That is to say, everyone who has mixed media that had no right interacting, experimentation with what could or should be socially acceptable. There’s nothing more inspiring than witnessing the creative projects of those around you come to life.
What is your favorite moment in the process?
My absolute favorite moment is the sketching and refining process. When four or thirty lines finally meld into the shape that you and the page finally come to an agreement on. It may not be what you originally had in mind, if you had something in mind to begin with. Any seasoned artist knows the burn of the work in progress that looks like there’s no way it could turn around, but oh, the places that ugly duckling will go if you let it leave the nest.
What is a trick of your trade or a piece of advice for artists in your medium?
Always be open to advice and techniques from other mediums. You never know how an odd hobby can come in handy in day to day use. Keep your eyes open, mind curious, and don’t be afraid to mess up more than a few times. It’s kind of the fun part.
What’s next?
Shoot, that is the big question. I’ve been wanting to explore my physical art [charcoal and painting namely] and always ticking away with a hook somewhere with my crochet. I’ve been wanting to share my art, physical or fiber but have but pondering on the avenues. My instagram @Yarncryptid is where I plan on updating any fun new updates and where I’m more than open to talk about custom items, ideas or projects. It’s a little new right now, but lots of colorful things are to come!
Is there anything you would like promoted in February specifically?
FIber Fridays by @headsinthecloudscollective that are currently set up for every second and fourth Friday. Very fun way for artists to get together and cheer each other on, which is crucial to the artistic process.
Where can we find you? (Social pages, classes/workshops, clubs, etc.)
Right now I’m only on instagram, and it is mostly recreational, but feel free to follow my new account @yarncryptid for some creative chaos!