Holiday Gift Guide: Kp Staff Picks!
Who would we be if we didn't wrap up this year's Holiday Gift Guides with KP Staff Picks? Hero, Kendra, and Sofia shared some of their favorite items in the shop right now. Take a peek at what they chose!
Hero's Picks:
My staff pick is Noshinku Hand sanitizer and Snuggle Bunnies gift cards! Noshinku hand sanitizer is easy to carry, sleek, reusable and comes in different scents that make it easy to use on the go! The Snuggle bunnies are mostly just because it's one of the surefire ways to hug someone from a distance and spread the cuteness.

Sofia's Picks:
Show a classy fancy lady in your life that you know what she's about and that you love that for her. These are some dainty high end pieces that are sophisticated enough for an event but simple enough for every day. Personally I think any gal would be pretty jazzed to unwrap one of these-- it will make her feel so special.

I'm pretty sure I speak for all planner people when I say we can be a little picky with our layouts. I feel like Appointed really thought about it all when they designed their planners-- tons of space for your brain to sprawl out and jot down every little thing you need to do. They even tend to do a breakdown in the form of a bird's eye view and a worm's eye view-- an overview of the entire month to start, and then a magnification of each week/day/whathaveyou. All that function while managing to be perfectly sleek at the same time. Give someone the gift of a great 2022!
The cutest place to keep your jewelry! Or incense cone, or special rock-- up to the receiver of this adorable delicate gift.

Kendra's Picks:
This is my staff pick because no matter how much I look at it, I cannot get over the craftsmanship it takes to make each of these pieces. Each piece is hand pulled off of a linoleum cutting and I love when you can see slight differentiations between each pull. It makes it feel a little more handmade and human.

This is another work of art where you can see the craftsmanship put into each piece. No piece is the same as the next and each piece melds to your own self as you wear the piece more and more because the metal reacts with the chemicals on your skin. As a scientist, it is always fascinating to see art and science mix together!
As always, thank you for reading and thank you for being our neighbors!
xo team kp