We're donating 100% of our #SocialJusticeHustle profits this week
Hi. 4th of July has got us feeling a way. More than our Independence, we think about our interdependence. We are deeply connected, our liberation is bound to one another. None of us are free until all of us are free. What’s happening at our border is a horrific, recurring theme - separating families of color is an institutionalized trauma our country has participated in for generations. None of it is okay.
THIS WEEK WE ARE DONATING 100% OF OUR #SOCIALJUSTICEHUSTLE PROFITS. Tshirts, Hoodies, Pins. We collect 10% all year long (this year being donated to Sealaska Heritage Institute’s art programs), but from now until Sunday the other 90% is going to a medley of organizations that are doing some heavy hustling in the movement right now:
+ Fronterizo Fianza Fund a community bond (fianza) fund run by the Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee, based in El Paso-Ciudad Juárez to get immigrants out of detainment and closer to family reunification. https://www.fianzafund.org/home.html
+ Al Otro Lado - serves indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana & Los Angeles. https://www.alotrolado.org
+ Neta - a Latinx-run progressive media platform telling the stories of what's happening on the border. https://www.netargv.com
+ La Union del Pueblo Entero - founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, a community union that works in the Rio Grande Valley from the grassroots up. https://lupenet.org/
+ The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights - attorneys and social workers who advocate for unaccompanied immigrant children and work to change immigration policy and practice. https://www.theyoungcenter.org/
It’s not much, but we want to lift up and support the collective work that activists across the country are engaged in. Do not despair. Where there is oppression and darkness, there is intergenerational resilience, intergenerational dreaming, intergenerational joy. No one is going anywhere. We’re in this together.
In solidarity,
Kindred Post